There is always something going on at Emanuel! There is no shortage of ways to get involved, get to know people, or learn about us. Worship, fellowship, education, and social action are all a part of the fabric of Emanuel. We understand that when we are called to faith in Christ, we not only gather together as a community of Christians to worship, but we are sent out in service of his message.
ChildrenOur exceptional educational team takes great joy in providing programs that teach and nurture our young people who are the future of our Christian faith. The children at Emanuel experience church life through Children's Church and through special events throughout the year.
Mission OutreachThroughout our history, Emanuel has reached out to those beyond its fellowship, both nearby and throughout the world. Such outreach simply imitates the way Jesus Christ lived and worked. Emanuel United Church of Christ has a 150 plus-year history of reaching out to the great community we call home as well as to the nation and world beyond.
Emanuel is an active church that reaches out to the community and beyond in love and fellowship. We support the activities that help Manchester and the greater community: Manchester Family Services, Manchester Community Resource Center, Red Cross Blood Drives, Manchester Crop Walk, and, Church World Services. We house many local groups: - We host our local Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops. - We host an Alcoholics Anonymous group every Friday evening. - We are the emergency location for Red Cross |
Annual Events
Emanuel Church hosts many annual events which unify our faith community, raise funds for missions, and also reaches out to the community at large.
- Monthly Meals
- "Souper Bowl" Sunday supporting Area Missions
- Manchester Community Fair Snack Shack
- Ice Cream Social
- Christmas in the Village Bake Sale and Vendor/Merchant Sale
- Live Nativity